Biblical Hebrew – Level E

Become familiar with the history of Biblical Hebrew.

  • This course is for

    Adult students of all ages (18 and above) who are able to read Biblical Hebrew texts and wish to delve deeper into the world of Biblical Hebrew. (Entry Requirement: This course is designed for students who have completed Level C in ‘Classical Hebrew’ or possess equivalent knowledge.)


    One academic year.

    Course structure and goals

    This advanced level deals with the historical and comparative aspects of Biblical Hebrew. During the course the students read and compare texts from various biblical periods: early biblical poetry, classical Biblical Hebrew, and late Biblical Hebrew. They also read relevant extra-biblical literature such as epigraphic Hebrew and the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
    The class meets once a week, and the students must complete homework assignments sent by the teacher after every meeting.

    At the end of the course the student will

    • know how to recognize the different registers of the Biblical Hebrew.
    • understand the implication of the different registers on our evaluation of the biblical texts.
    • have a broad historical background of the Biblical Hebrew.

    Academic Credit by the Hebrew University

    The Hebrew University, in collaboration with eTeacher, will offer its very first credit online Biblical Hebrew courses to overseas students starting January 2010. In accordance with the University’s academic requirements the program includes obligatory attendance, paper submissions and examinations and will award students 3 credit points.

  • Coming Soon